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Fugawi & TOM TOM Bluetooth GPS.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:30 am    Post subject: Fugawi & TOM TOM Bluetooth GPS. Reply with quote

I purchased Fugawi mainly for my laptop, and Garmin GPS, but as it comes with the PDA version, I would like to create and upload small map areas for my PDA.

However I cannot get Fugawi on my PDA to recognise my Bluetooth GPS Reciever.

Anyideas anyone?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 9:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes install the TomTom 2.07 drivers. TomTom "fixed" the drivers to open the BT port for Navigator only. Installing 2.07 removes this fix and enables the BT GPS for any application.

Check out the TomTom forum for more details.
Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ive tried this but I get the very same error -

Port Error =
Communications Error = 55
Invalid Port Handle

What exactly should I set the port up to be - the best I can determine is that the TT Bluetooth uses Com 8 & Com 5.

Also with V2.07 Navigator now doesnt work.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:18 pm    Post subject: Fugawi port problems post TomTom Navigator Reply with quote

I have a T3 palm with version 4.1 TomTom Navigator and a BT GPS and still have problems with running Fugawi after TomTom due to a 'can't open port' error.

Is there a software (update drivers) or hardware solution workaround yet...?

I have tried quitting back to the Applications Launcher from TTN for
Palm, then switching off the BT TomTom GPS, then soft
resetting, then starting the BT GPS, then starting Fugawi but still no

Any suggestions?

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

anyone got anyideas with the above too error messages?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


From the com port settings you mention I assume that you are using an iPAQ of some sort. This should be set to com 8 at 4800 baud.

I assume that you get these errors after running TomTom and then trying to start Fugawi.

Have you tried a soft boot to reset everything and then running Fugawi. If that works then TomTom is not being shut down correctly. If that doesnt work then you have something wrong with your settings. I am assuming that you have TomTom working correctly.
Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:43 am    Post subject: TomTom and Fugawi Reply with quote

It seems both companies are (rather helpfully) sticking their heads in the sand. Fugawi have told me that they consider the PDA market to still be evolving so they won't be applying any fixes to this problem for another 6-12mths.

TomTom told me that "the amount of users using bluetooth with two different applications is too small to warrant a major change in our software."

Their only solution (for Palm) was to:

"You can try to free the COM port by removing the Navigator Software.
Remove the TomTom SD card, then go do the application screen, tap on the clock in the left top corner, select "delete", delete "Navigator" and
reset the PDA.

This should remove the Navigator and make the comport available again.
If you can and use the FUGAWI software without problems we are afraid
you must do this every time."

Of course, Mike's GPS 2.07 drivers seem to do the trick for PktPC users, but there doesn't seem to be a similar set for Palm.

Most frustrating especially given the fix would be easy to apply if TomTom could be stimulated to make it - just include a driver that doesn't grab hold of the comport or include an option to close communication with it from inside the tomtom application...!!

Anyone got an inside line to their programmers...??

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I have TomTom and Fugawi running on my Palm T3, and have no problem switching between the two.

I am using BT with an Emtac BTGPS receiver. What I did was to connect and pair the Emtac with TomTom and check that that was working OK, I then did the same with Fugawi.

I have occasionally had some difficulties with BT and the T3, normally I remove all the BT settings and start again to cure this.
Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The problem seems to be that if you use a tom tom blue tooth GPS reciever, that the signal is jacketed, and despite using the earlier un jacketed version of the drivers, it still doesnt work.

I have all the settings correct as previousle mentioned.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I too have major problems in trying to use Fugawi UK software on my iPAQ4150. TomTom 3/TomTom Bluetooth receiver works very well and I am impressed with the accuracy. However the TomTom bluetooth does not work with Fugawi so I contacted Fugawi and this is Kristina Menalo of Fugawi's reply:

"Tom Tom software versions after v. 2.07 monopolize the com-port.
The solution to restore access is to locate the TomTom~GPS entry in Add/Remove and uninstall it, this removes the Com Port lock but does not affect TTnav".

Well, I can assure you although Fugawi will then work, deleting the TomTom GPS entry disables TomTom3 completely and you have to reinstall the whole affair. Rolling Eyes

Given that Fugawi UK V2 is now on the market, it is short-sighted of Fugawi not to come up with a fix.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The shortsightedness is not Fugawi's, but TomToms. If TomTom grab the Com Port and prevent anything else using it when you softrest the PDA there is nothing the Fugawi can do short of removing the TomTom software, which is also not desirable.

Normally you can prevent TomTom from grabbing the com port by removing the ~GPS application. Just once, then performing a soft reset. This leaves the TomTom driver installed but removes the Port grabbing driver.
Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your reply and I accept your argument. I did uninstall the GPS entry and did a soft reset but although Fugawi then worked OK, TomTom flashed an error message telling me that the GPS was disabled and it would not then work. After reinstalling TomTom it worked again.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:40 pm    Post subject: TomTom and Fugawi - solution? Reply with quote

Hi, its some months since last contributing to this thread, but over this time I have purchased a 256MB SD card and installed the updated TomTom for Palm v4.4 etc plus maps on it.

I have recently uninstalled Fugawi completely and reinstalled it to the RAM (hard disk equivalent).

Now if I start BT then start Fugawi, then stop BT and Fugawi.

Then start BT and TomTom, then stop BT and TomTom

Then start BT and Fugawi (see the pattern developing!) - Fugawi still works.

ie by keeping the BT connection 'apart' from the software (so far!) I've had no problems / have overcome the problem...

Unless its down to TT4.4...? Any other thoughts / discoveries?

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